Monday, July 21, 2008


So I'm about sick of this election crap already. And this is just from stuff I'm getting in the mail and seeing on TV! I don't listen to talk radio much - even though I should so I can be more informed of the issues - because it just (pisses) me off. And I don't like being riled up, so I save the talk radio for days I'm doing housework.
If you put it in parentheses it doesn't count as saying it, just so you know.
Every time I turn on the TV, there's something on about Obama. The way they talk, he can do no wrong. And this week the media is having an orgasm because Obama is in Iraq. Campaining, essentially.
Does anyone else not see the problems here? Okay - 1/Umm.... You're not President yet, so any promises you make to foreign political leaders don't count for jack squat. 2/They can't vote for you, so why are you campaining there anyways? 3/You're being paid to be a senator for your state. How much time have you actually spent doing your job in the last year?
Needless to say, I'm not voting for him. Besides the myriad of other reasons, I wouldn't vote for him just based on the fact that he will not salute the flag (put his hand over his heart) during the national anthem. To me that says, "I want to lead this country, but I don't want to respect it." Sure, lets just vote in some socialism and facism to prepare for outright communism.
Research your candidates, folks. Don't vote for them just because he's the "cool guy" and the rest of the lemmings are.

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