Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Moment of Panic

The last two weeks, my son's up-with-the son schedule and my can't-sleep-when-Paul's-working-nights collided big time. Except for that one morning, when he slept until 9:15. I went to check if he was still breathing. Twice. He has NEVER done that before.

Anyways. It used to be that when he woke up, the first thing he'd want to do is eat, so I'd put him in bed with me and he'd nurse and I'd doze. Then he began crawling, and there was just too much stuff that he needed to explore for him to lay there and do something as menial as eat.

Since I've only gotten 4-ish hours of sleep, I'd put him on the floor in the living room, and block off the doorway with the dining room chairs, then lay down on the couch and doze in and out.

Well apparently this morning I dozed out for longer than I thought. I had been half asleep and knew I could hear Nathan, but then realized he wasn't in the living room. He had crawled under the chairs and escaped! But I could hear him banging on something, and being happy. But he wasn't in the dining room or kitchen. So I figured he was in the bathroom playing with his bath toys. No.... I didn't see him, but I could still hear him, so I checked the back porch. (With visions of him in the cat box - gag.) No..... Then I turned around, and what do I see?

Yeah, he'd climbed the stairs. All 15 of them. And he was as pleased as punch with himself.

Previous attempts at stairs-climbing have proved disastrous. Just last week he made it up three or four while I was in the bathroom (I though he stayed in the kitchen), and fell. And screamed. He gets up there a ways, then decides to take a break and sit down, but they aren't wide enough, so he tumbles off.

Needless to say, my heart was in my throat when I saw him up there. But it really didn't need to be, since he was already up there.

So I guess I can kiss goodbye to my gradual-waking mornings. Ulgh. I need a coffee.

1 comment:

Doug or Janice Rhodes said...

Wrong label-you are NOT a bad mommy...just put him in the playpen on the deck and wrap up in a quilt a lay down beside him and sleep....... remember the picture I gave you of Paul in the paypen on the front porch--it is called survival for mom and safety for child.